
How To Find A Good Roommate

Posted On May 13, 2019

Finding the ideal roommate isn't always easy. What if you like to sleep in and they're an early riser? Or vice versa? And what about cleaning preferences, bill payment, and who's on coffee duty in the morning?  You want to find someone easy to get along, someone you can be upfront and honest with when renting an apartment together.


As challenging as it may seem to find a good roommate, it's not impossible. To make the search easier, here are a few suggestions.


Ideal Candidates

A friend of a friend

Having a roommate who shares a common friend with you is perfect on a number of levels. It's much easier to build trust with someone who is connected to a person YOU trust. And there is a good chance your friend will know if the two of you are compatible before either of you start unpacking, which could eliminate unwanted headaches and hassles. It can also be helpful to have a person who knows you both to ask questions and garner feedback on certain scenarios.


An Acquaintance

Another great option for a worry-free roommate situation is someone you know well enough to trust, but not too intimately that you could lose their friendship if your living situation didn't work out. An acquaintance, depending on where you met them, could share a lot of common interests with you, which could make living together much more enjoyable.


Be Cautious

A Friend

A friend can be a great choice, but it can also be a terrible one. Getting along in social situations is much different than living together 24/7. Likeability can often be confused with compatibility. If you have a friend who you think would be a great roommate, be sure to have an honest discussion about your expectations. You definitely don't want to lose or damage a friendship because you couldn't live together.


A Co-worker

There are many pluses to having a co-worker as a roommate. You probably have a good idea if you can live together and it could be a convenient and enjoyable solution to your daily commute. But be wary of office politics entering your living accommodations. If things get sticky and tense there, it could spill over into your living quarters. Keeping work life and home life separate isn't easy for everyone. Living with a coworker who doesn't work in the same department might be the best candidate. You might also want to get away from work every now and then, and living with someone you don't work too closely with can give you a healthy separation.


A Relative

There is a reason not many people put relatives on the top of their list of roommate options. Sometimes a family member can know you TOO well. Old sibling rivalries may surface, or unpleasant family histories could build unwanted tension. If you want to live with a relative, maybe opt for a very distant cousin.


A Stranger

Choosing a stranger as a roommate can be a gamble. There is a lot you need to decipher with someone you have no connection with. Will they be trustworthy, compatible, reasonable, considerate...the list goes on. But it's not all doom and gloom if choosing a stranger is your only option for a roommate. There are ways to make a successful connection. When conducting interviews do several and try to acquaint yourself enough so they aren't a complete stranger when you make a decision. Or try to find the right roommate from a pool of strangers by using an online roommate matching service.


At Kelson Group, we want to help you find the ideal apartment rental, and we hope these tips help you to find the right person to share it with!


For apartment rental inquiries, connect with our team.


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