4 Things To Note BEFORE Decorating Your First Apartment

The lease has been signed and you are about to move into a space of your own. Thoughts of your walkthrough and how you are going to make the space "your space" are happily bouncing through your head. Before you hit the streets running from store to store to purchase all of those Instagram-able items you have been craving or stuffing your vehicle full of traditionally needed items from friends and family, STOP. Take a moment and a brief step back.
There are a number of common mistakes typically made when decorating a first apartment. Pausing to become apprised on these can save you time, money and anguish down the road.
- A half inch, though small can be a BIG deal – It has been running through your head and you have been updated on the general square footage of the space... but what are the actual usable dimensions? In your haste or excitement in walking into a space, your ability to accurately determine sizing can easily become skewed in your memory or misrepresented while using your smartphone. Will the furniture and accent pieces you own, or dream of acquiring, actually fit? Will the pieces you want to include fit in your building elevator, up and around building staircases and through your entry doorway? Ask ahead for the building manager to send you details of your floorplan inclusive of your entryway, elevator and stairwell exact measurements so you can effectively map out what will and will not fit into your space.
- Whose space? YOUR space! – This is your space, not your parents or your friends. What do YOU need? How do YOU plan on using the space? Just because you grew up utilizing end tables on either side of your family couch does not mean you need to follow suit and require them in your space too. Determine how you envision utilizing your space and look to bring in items that will support you in achieving your living goals. Keep your eyes open for adaptable items that allow you to transform your space on the fly in supporting one of your needs to another, such as a foldable desk that can also act as a dining table.
- Be friends with your budget – No one likes someone who doesn't follow through on their word. Be a trusting friend to your budget and stick to it. Be realistic with yourself to determine what items are "needs" vs "wants". Prioritize them and work towards acquiring those major purchases before paying attention to the fun filler items nearing the end of your list. It's tough, but will help your bottom line and sanity when trying to make everything fit into your space in the end. Tip – look to purchase items that can transition with you over time or to other potential spaces you may move to.
- Timeline – In most cases, there is lag-time between the date your sign your lease agreement and date you receive your keys to move in. Be it a couple of days, a week, or a month, utilize this time wisely to plan. Figure out key items required that will allow you to comfortably live within your space for the first night to first week. Build upon your staple items over time and add personal touches such photos or accent pieces to complement your lifestyle and turn that space into your home.
There is nothing like the feeling of securing your first apartment. Though the process can rouse a combination of excitement and stress, being aware of the points above will further set you up in planning for a successful journey of having your own space. At Kelson Group we are proud to employ welcoming Building Managers at each of our locations who are ready to meet and assist you to settle in to your new space.