A Vision for Living Better
As we say farewell to 2021, I have been reflecting on what it means to close out a chapter of our lives. Maybe like me, you could not wait to bid adieu to the year 2020 and the turmoil COVID-19 brought. As we welcomed 2021 as a new year full of promise, we now reflect back and this year was also filled with its own set of challenges for many.
So how do you set a vision for living better even in the midst of headlines ranging from climate change to COVID? For me, it is about setting a vision and diligently working each day to reach it, even despite setbacks.
For our company, it is important that we set a vision for all of us to work together toward that common purpose, because without that big idea, working can seem like nothing more than running on a hamster wheel day in and day out just for a pay cheque. Our vision is focused on our team and our residents.
It first starts with how we provide exceptional careers for the teams of people who manage and operate our apartments buildings throughout B.C. and Alberta. These team members in turn help us deliver everything to provide quality apartments to help our residents live better.
We know there are choices for where people can rent, but each day if we do the things to help create wonderful communities for our residents to live, we can help them live better and in turn, that gives purpose to our team and their work.
No matter what you do, or where you live, we hope you set a vision for how things may look a little different in 2022 and beyond specifically because of the important role you play.
Jason Fawcett, President
Kelson Group Property Management